to Pete's
Dev Academy


Welcome to my web development blog! The number one spot online
to watch someone make a complete balls-up of building websites!
Hopefully things will improve along the journey, but for now... this is all I got!
You can check out my woefully misinformed blog posts below if you are a sucker for that kind of punishment...

Code is like humor.
When you have to explain it, it’s bad.

– Cory House

It seems like most of the code I manage
to produce is absolute horseshit.

― Me

What the heck is "Responsive Web Design"? ... oh.
Well now the whole thing is broken.

― Also Me

Check out my Personal Project!

As part of my exciting last Sprint of Foundations, I spent a day recreating the classic game 'Snake'! Go have a crack at it - it's pretty addictive! I even included some instructions for those of you who are too young to remember when crap games like this were all we had...


All Current and Upcoming Tech Posts!

See all the blog posts I've written / constructed / stuffed up below. Hopefully the quality will improve as the weeks go by, but I guess that remains to be seen. Not sure if these will all come to pass - maybe I will even add more in the future?

All Current and Upcoming Core Posts!

These ones are to document my dubious human skills as I progress as a developer. There will be reflections, plans, stuff about me (bad luck) and maybe even more! I'm not used to talking about myself, so sorry in advance.